Uniting Church LogoEndeavour Hills Uniting Church

1 Hellyer Way, Endeavour Hills 3802 (Cnr Raymond McMahon Blvd) Mel 91E5

History of Endeavour Hills Uniting Church

Early Church Sketch

The suburb of Endeavour Hills in the City of Berwick, Victoria, was established in 1970 to coincide with the Bicentenary of Captain James Cook's landing at Botany Bay. By 1977 this new suburb had a population of less than 2000. Although a five-year plan for the development of the area was in place, the community had limited resources and needs that were immediate.

One concerned resident, Mr Carl Wilmore, felt called by God to establish a Uniting Church presence in the area. He was not an ordained man, just a lay person, with a vision that the Church should be present and actively involved in the local community. With the support of Rev Ian McDonald and other lay people of the Lyndale Methodist (later Uniting) Church congregation, homes were visited and community needs were assessed. A major need was to connect people and thus break down isolation.

Small support groups were commenced which grew into 'share and care' groups. Fellowship and bible study groups met in homes in response to the call for a Christian presence. During 1979 and 1980 the community of faith met in the James Cook Primary School Hall for Sunday morning worship and Sunday School. Sunday School classes met in the various class rooms. In late 1979 Rev Chris Howard was appointed by the Uniting Church as the first full-time minister for Endeavour Hills and Narre Warren North.

In September 1980, the church moved to a community house in Matthew Flinders Avenue. 'Care and Share' groups, child minding services and the senior youth group met there regularly, and church services were held there each Sunday morning. In 1982 Rev Max Smith became the second minister to serve at Endeavour Hills. However, it was not long before the church and its activities had outgrown the Community House. Land was purchased at the current address in Hellyer Way, Endeavour Hills and a multi-purpose building was constructed.

The new church complex was opened by the Moderator, Mr Alex Kilgour in 1986. The building incorporated a Chapel area, an office for the minister, a Child Care Centre and space for the Neighbourhood Centre operations.

In 1986 the Endeavour Hills congregation proposed a submission to the Western Port Presbytery to become an independent parish. This became a reality in 1987. Consequently, the Endeavour Hills Uniting Church is now a single parish.

In 2001 the Neighbourhood Centre moved to new premises at the Youth and Recreation Centre, Endeavour Hills, which is owned by the City of Casey.

Ordained Ministers appointed to Endeavour Hills Uniting Church

Combined Parish of Endeavour Hills & Narre Warren North

Combined Parish
Late 1979 - Rev Chris Howard
Jan 1982 - Rev Max Smith

1987 - Endeavour Hills became a Single Parish

Single Parish
Rev Max Smith remained as the first minister in the new church.
Feb 1992 to Jul 1999 - Rev Ineke Gyles
Feb 2000 to Dec 2005 - Rev David Withers
Oct 2007 to Aug 2014 - Rev Lauleti Tu’inauvai
27 May 2016 to 30 Apr 2019 - Rev Robin Yang
25 Mar 2020 to - Rev (Hoasnsung)Mike You

Worship Services