Uniting Church LogoEndeavour Hills Uniting Church

1 Hellyer Way, Endeavour Hills 3802 (Cnr Raymond McMahon Blvd) Mel 91E5

Monthly Calendar

Worship Services

Regular Worship services but, please stay away if you feel unwell.

Sunday: 10:30 am - Family Worship including Sunday School, except:

Fourth Sunday 10:30 am. Contemporary style worship allows opportunity to express, experiment and explore different ways of worship. It provides opportunity for people to exercise gifts, talents and creative ideas.

Fifth Sunday (If Applicable) 10:30 am. E-Service (Experimental, Exciting, Extraordinary, Exp[ect anything Service)

Regular Events

Fun and Friendship Craft Group

Venue:Endeavour Hills Church

When:1pm - 3pm every TUESDAY in School Term

Come along with or without your own craft project.

Venue:Endeavour Hills Church

Treasure Trove Playgroup

For young families, EHUC is providing facilities for a playgroup aimed at children under 5 years old. The Treasure Trove Playgroup will operate Tuesday mornings during School Term from 10am until 12 noon.

First Friday Lunch

Open invitation to all on the first Friday of the month. Take some time out to relax and enjoy the company of others. Contact church_council@ehuc.org.au

Coffee Break

Each Friday at 10:30am (except on the first Friday of each month) join our friendly group in the Food Court at Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre.

Worship Services