Uniting Church LogoEndeavour Hills Uniting Church

1 Hellyer Way, Endeavour Hills 3802 (Cnr Raymond McMahon Blvd) Mel 91E5

Children and Youth

Playgroup for Under 5s

For young families, EHUC is providing facilities for a playgroup aimed at children under 5 years old. The Treasure Trove Playgroup operates Tuesday mornings during School Term from 10 am until 12 noon. Treasure Trove Details
Children at play
Playing with Toys
Mum & Child at Playgroup
Happy birthday

Sunday School

Sunday School is fun Children Study

A program runs for primary age children each Sunday during school terms. The children learn about faith, the bible and how being Christian is more than Sunday morning worship. Children can also complete craft activities or just burn off some energy in our outdoor area (weather permitting).

Children are encouraged to attend the service with their parents on the other weeks and can even have a role in the Contemporary-Style Worship held the last Sunday of the month.


Worship Services